Send money online with

Safely and securely send money overseas

First Eastern FX has partnered with Hai Ha Money Transfer to provide a safe and secure money transfer service for you to send money to currently 18 countries, with new countries being added all the time.

This online service from Hai Ha Money Transfer allows you to send low-cost money transfers to your family and friends from the convenience of your home.

Hai Ha Money Transfer is a business in the same network as First Eastern FX.

You will be taken to Hai Ha Money Transfer website for more information and start to create an account to send money online.

How to send money online

Register/Sign in to Hai Ha Money Transfer online service. You can activate your account via email, or our branches across Australia can help to activate your online account.

Choose the country to send to, add the receiver details, enter your sending amount and choose the payout method.

Pay the total sending amount plus the Service fee.

The funds will be processed immediately once the payment is approved.

Ready to get started?


Already have an account?


How to send money in person

Visit one of our umbrella businesses, including First Eastern FX, Hai Ha Money Transfer and Remox branches, to send money. Click Find & Contact us to locate a branch near you.

Whether you’re a business or an individual customer and if you want to send to all countries around the world via bank credit, delivery, cash pick-up or Western Union, any of our branches will be able to help you.

Benefits with sending money online

Quick & Convenient

Send money online 24/7 or visit 17 locations across Australia.

Big savings

With our great exchange rates and low fees.

Safe & Secure

Regulated by AUSTRAC

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