How to Stash Your Travel Cash

Whilst travelling abroad is exceptionally exciting, it can also be rather dangerous if you’re not vigilant. Nothing ruins a holiday quite like getting your hard-earned cash stripped away from you. Though you may not be able to control the danger, you can most certainly control the likelihood of becoming a victim of theft.

Quick Tips

Learn how to stash your travel cash with our quick tips and avoid a potentially compromising situation.

Step 1 - Practice Multi-stashing

Practice Multi-stashing

To avoid losing everything at once, practice stashing your money in multiple locations. That way, if you are a victim of theft, the entirety of your belongings are not lost, leaving you in a financial pickle.

Concealing money on your body is a top tip, along with storing the remainder of your cash and cards in various locations in your locked luggage, secure hand bags or backpacks etc.

Step 2 - Favour On-body Storaget

Favour On-body Storage

Thankfully, there are a multitude of products available to facilitate on-body storage under your clothing. Some may sound rather strange, but we can assure you, are incredibly effective.

  • Money bra- small pouches that attach to your bra
  • Belt with money compartment
  • Storing in your shoes
  • Money socks

Important to note: Carry a small amount of cash in your wallet or handbag, as well as storing more on your body. That way, you don’t draw attention to yourself, constantly lifting your clothing to access your money. However, if you do need to access the money under your clothing, do so in a private place i.e. a restaurant bathroom etc.

Step 3 - Practice Multi-stashing

Practice Multi-stashing

To avoid losing everything at once, practice stashing your money in multiple locations. That way, if you are a victim of theft, the entirety of your belongings are not lost, leaving you in a financial pickle.

It’s a common misconception that hotel safes are secure, with hotels even having a disclaimer stating they are not liable (red flag).To be sure, avoid storing your valuables in the safes. I know we’re sounding terribly pessimistic, but we truly have your best interests at heart!

As mentioned, under clothing storage is a viable option, along with anti-theft backpacks and handbags. Be sure to get reputable products and be mindful of the clothing you wear- try to avoid tight tops etc.

Step 4 - Avoid Exchanging Money at Street Vendors

Avoid Exchanging Money at Street Vendors

Along with the ridiculously volatile exchange rates, there are some dodgy unauthorised money exchangers overseas, purely there to rip you off and make a quick buck. Not to mention the big sign you’ll be wearing alerting thieves ‘I’M A TOURIST- please come empty my awaiting pockets’.

So, either only stick to reputable money exchangers, or avoid it altogether and exchange your travel cash with First Eastern FX before you jet.

Step 5 - Don’t Flash Your Cash

Don’t Flash Your Cash

This one is simple, to avoid becoming a target, be discreet with your money in public. That is, only take small amounts out at one time during a transaction. Also, keep the notes you extract small, avoid having large sums in your wallet- carrying only the cash you need for the day.

Step 6 - Be ready with small notes

Be ready with small notes

Try to eliminate high denomination, high value notes and instead be ready with small notes.

Step 7 - Use Secure ATMS

Use Secure ATMS

With the use of skimming devices on ATMs (the illegal collection of important data from your cards), becoming more prevalent. It’s imperative to ensure the ATMs you use are in highly secure locations, with security cameras installed- such as those in banks, hotels, and shopping centres.

Or, alternatively, don’t use ATMs at all and exchange your travel cash with First Eastern FX before you leave.

Step 8 - Use a Dummy Wallet

Use a Dummy Wallet

Simply buy a cheap wallet and place a small amount of cash in it, along with a few old cards you may have- library cards etc.

In the unfortunate case that you are a victim of theft, the pickpocketer will be fooled into believing the dummy wallet is your real wallet. It is also a handy thing to have if you are asked to handover your belongings, allowing you to escape with your safety and your real wallet.

Now that you have a good indicator of how to avoid the worst case scenarios, please go ahead and enjoy yourself fully on your holiday abroad! Don’t forget to exchange travel cash before you jet, check out First Eastern FX, it’s the best rate you’ll get.

— First Eastern FX, your foreign exchange experts

Best-rate travel cash, delivered fast.

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